Current Employment Opportunity:  

Assistant County Treasurer

for County Treasurer's Office

Application Period Open Until Filled

* 101 West Main St.   Mail Unit 5   Room 106 *
* Fredericksburg, TX 78624-3700 *
* Phone 830-997-6521 *

Office Email:

Office Hours:  Monday-Friday ~ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ~ Closed Holidays

County Treasurer

Vicki J. Schmidt, PCC, CTOP, PCAC

Glendine Land
Assistant Treasurer 

Assistant Treasurer 


To the Gillespie County Treasurer’s Office web page.

The information contained in this web page is provided to inform you of the duties and responsibilities of the Gillespie County Treasurer and the Treasurer's Office and to provide you with an array of information, forms, and various financial reports.

The County Treasurer is a state constitutional elected office ... elected to a four year term.  The County Treasurer serves as the chief custodian of county finances.  The County Treasurer receives and accounts for all monies ... from whatever source ...  belonging to the County.  The County Treasurer pays, applies, and disburses monies belonging to the County as Commissioners Court may require or direct, not inconsistent with constituted law. 

The County Treasurer invests available County funds.  All investments are in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256) and the Gillespie County Investment Policy.  

In performing these functions, the County Treasurer performs an extremely important role in the “checks and balances” of the monies that flow through Gillespie County.  

  As with all elected county officials, the primary duties of County Treasurer are defined by the Texas Local Government Code.  

  I serve as your Gillespie County Treasurer and am honored to do so.  Should you have any questions or comments about the Gillespie County Treasurer's Office, please feel free to contact me at the contact information as noted on this web page.  

For more complete information about the responsibilities of a County Treasurer and other county officials, see the "2023 Guide to Texas Laws for County Officials."  Please note: Some duties performed by officials may vary within individual counties.

Mission Statement  

The Gillespie County Treasurer's

Mission Statement

To perform in a professional and ethical manner the duties and responsibilities of the Gillespie County Treasurer and the Treasurer’s Office.

In so doing, serve the Office and the public in a fair, impartial, and consistent manner; establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with all county officials, county employees, other state and local entities, and the general public.