* 101 West Main St. Mail Unit 4 Room 203*
* Fredericksburg, TX 78624-3700 *
* Phone 830-997-6777 * Fax 830-992-2654 *

County Auditor

Marcie Schneider

What is a County Auditor?

The county auditor countersigns all warrants on the county treasury, examines the treasurer's reports and all claims against the county, advertises for bids on county supplies, and exercises general oversight over the financial books and records of the county.

What Does a County Auditor Do in Texas?

A county auditor in Texas has the following duties:

  • Appointed by the district judge(s)
  • Prepares and administers accounting records for all county funds
  • Audits the records and accounts of the various county departments
  • Verifies the validity and legality of all county disbursements
  • Forecasts financial data for budgetary formulation purposes
  • Serves as budget officer in counties with more than 225,000 residents (Counties with more than 125,000 residents may opt for an appointed budget officer.)

For more complete information about the responsibilities of the county auditor and other county officials, see the "2023 Guide to Texas Laws for County Officials."

Please note: Some duties performed by officials may vary within individual counties.

County Auditor Requirements

County Auditors/CPA's are required to attain 40 hours during each two-year appointment.

See the full continuing education requirements and more.

Legal source: V.T.C.A., Tex. Local Gov’t. Code, Sec. 84.0085

Office Hours
8:00 am to 5:00 pm M - F
Office Phone Number
Office Fax Number
Gillespie County Auditor
M. Schneider
Assistant Auditor
K. Bernhard 
Assistant Auditor
A. Saker
Purchasing Assistant
C. Ceynowa