Texas Government Code

Sec. 72.034.  PUBLIC INFORMATION INTERNET WEBSITE.  (a)  In this section:

(1)  "Public information" means citation, other related public or legal notice that a person, including a party to a cause of action, is required to publish under a statute or rule, and any other information that the person submits for publication on the public information Internet website to effectuate service of citation by publication.

(2)  "Public information Internet website" means the official statewide Internet website developed and maintained by the office under this section for the purpose of providing citation by publication.

* 101 W Main St. Mail Unit 13 Courthouse Room 109 *
* Fredericksburg, TX 78624-3700 *
* Phone 830-997-6515 * Fax 830-997-9958 * 

* Jury Info Line 830-990-4117 *

Office Hours:  Monday - Friday ~ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm ~ Closed Holidays

Lindsey Brown

County Clerk

     The Gillespie County Clerk serves as the official record keeper for the official Public Records involving real property, records all documents for County Court, Commissioners Court, and the County Probate Court.  
     Please be advised that Gillespie County is a Constitutional County Court and a Statutory Court with the County Court at Law. 

Foreclosures and Trustee Sales

    In accordance with House Bill 584, the County must post a notice of sale filed with the County Clerk on the website on a page that is publicly available for viewing without charge or registration.  
    If you have questions in reference to any information on this page, please contact the County Clerk. 
    If you have questions about the property or the sale, please contact the Trustee's company listed on each Notice.

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